08 January 2012

life : I resolve

I'm hopeless. Utterly, utterly hopeless at new year's resolutions. I gave up on them long ago. But this year, with so much having gone on over the past 3 and a half years and with so much on the horizon...moving house again, settling a tween into high school, coming to terms with life without my mum & making decisions with my sisters on what to do with mum's house, trying to re-enter the workforce after a long stint at home (I've just spent a butt numbing long time on the internet trying to find tips for "mature age" re-entry into the workforce & I'm terrified), getting a grip on my health & fitness... I've decided to make a quiet little resolution to myself, for myself.

I resolve to do more for me. Just me and me alone. Find a quiet moment each day for me, outside all the busyness of the household, the kids and school and well, you know just all that stuff that goes on in life,  just so I can focus my mind on what I want from the future. What I want for me. And also to focus on what makes me happy (I've realised that I focus most of my time on keeping the peace and keeping everyone else happy) and how I can harness that and keep it close to my heart each and every day (because I'm pretty sure that it's not really chocolate that makes me happy!! Although...).

And hopefully in doing so I will find my bliss (thanks Leese) along the way...

...hopefully...we'll see

I'm pretty sure this would be an ideal spot to indulge in a quiet moment of me time!!
*oh and while I'm at it I should resolve to be a little bit more relaxed this year, and a little bit less tense and cranky pants all the time...the kids and Matthew will appreciate it, I'm sure!! ; )
image via here


Leese said...

What a great post! And I'm so,so pleased that you found a connection in my words.
I'm sure 2012 will bring you what you need. I've finally started letting go a bit, trying to find the joy in the moment that is. Not being the super woman that (I think) everyone expects me to be.
I'm making time to read, to listen to the music I love, to talk to my loved ones, to just be. And for the first time in a long time I'm happier. My bliss was actually around me all the time!I just needed time to stop and realize it!
Thankyou so much for your comments on my post. I'm so glad you took the time to write them, it means a lot to me to know that someone out there in blog land, listened to them!
Have a wonderful day!

Sandrine said...

I wish you all the best with all those great new directions Alison. It all totally resonate with me...the return to work thing is such an issue for me as well...Moving makes life much richer but also harder (no pain no gain hehe!) I hope you get much support with it all xx Sandrine