14 April 2011

a favourite and a royal day out...

This is one of my favourite photos of the kids and I when we did our big tour of London in the summer of 2009. We had such a great time and we saw so much. We walked and we walked and we walked. It was fantastic. I love London. I love the rush of it. I love the people. I love it all. But what I loved most was that Buckingham Palace was open for a short time over the summer holiday and we got to see a real, live, working palace in action. 

From this photo you can tell how excited Sean and Emma were about it, a little too much walking that day I fear!! I'm just taking it all in, loved the whole atmosphere of it and loved having our photo taken with one the foot guards with the big black bearskin hats. Cheesy I know, but we had the best time : ) 

And now, I'm looking forward to my next Royal Day out. April 29...not long now. Oh boy, I can't wait. I do love a royal wedding and I have a feeling the atmosphere in London that day is going to be something else!  

Alison   x 

ps. German Vodafone have decided to cut off our internet access from tomorrow, instead of the end of May when we move out. Grrrr...so we'll be off the air for a while until we can figure something out.

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