25 August 2011

Favourite memories from our travels...

A little more "yodelayheehooing" from Tegernsee - a gorgeous little village in southern Bavaria, about 30 mins out of Munich.

Beautiful isn't it. Seriously, can't you just imagine finding Maria from The Sound of Music in this village. I'm sure she was up there in those alps twirling around singing The Hills are Alive....


Anonymous said...

you are going to kill me with all of your travel photos. this place is beautiful. it looks so perfect. check out how the wood is packed, even that is perfect. i want to live here too!

Leese said...

These photos are just so lovley! And Veronica is right; even the wood pile looks like something of a movie set it's so perfect!

Sandrine said...

Oh beautiful pics it just send me back to my childhood memories of holiday in Austria! x